Pipe Insulation
Baron Insulation has you covered for all your heating, ventilation, industrial, hydraulic plumbing, refrigeration, and air-conditioning (HVAC) applications.
Go BackWhat are the benefits of effective pipe insulation?
Controls condensation
Thermal pipe insulation has an important role in preventing condensation on cold or chilling pipes. Condensation can cause pipes to corrode and rust prematurely, leading to leaks in the piping or pipe fittings. Leaking pipes may result in safety hazards (such as puddles on the floor), and cause damage to a building’s structure and contents. It can also create conditions for mould growth, creating health hazards for building occupants.
Slows down pipe freezing
In some locations, pipes are exposed to extremes of temperature both inside and outside a building. In very cold environments, the water running through those pipes can freeze, expanding the pipes and causing the pipe system to fail. Pipe insulation increases the time it takes for a pipe to freeze in cold conditions, reducing the risk of compromising the pipe system.
Saves energy
Heat loss occurs when there’s a significant difference between the ambient temperature and the temperature inside the pipe. Thermal pipe insulation creates thermal resistance and reduces the heat flow and therefore the loss of energy. In extreme temperatures, thicker insulation will help prevent unnecessary cooling or the loss of both heat and energy. In well-insulated buildings, there’s less need for thermal pipe insulation.
Increases occupational safety
Pipework is made for conditions of extreme temperatures. But unless pipe surfaces are protected by insulation, they can be hazardous to touch. Insulating pipes will help minimise the risk of workplace burns by absorbing the surface heat of pipe systems.
Provides acoustic control
Pipework can carry disturbing noise from one part of a building to another (in the case of waste-water pipework routed within a building, for example). Acoustic insulation, such as pipe lagging, can reduce the transfer of noise (vibration). Acting as a high-density sound barrier, use pipe insulation in ductwork, valves, fan housings and all types of pipes within buildings.
Need a quote on the best pipe
insulation solution for your project?
FlexiCell NBR – Nitrile Black Rubber Pipe
FlexiCell NBR is flexible light-weight nitrile black rubber suitable for thermal insulation. The product is 2 metres in length and compliant with Australian Standards and is FM Approved. Working temperature from -50ºC to 105ºC.
More infoFlexiCell (PE) Pipe Insulation
FlexiCell Pipe Insulation is made from cross-linked closed cell 25kg/m3 polyethylene foam with a durable foil facing and achieves negligible water vapour permeance.
These sections are manufactured from cross-linked closed cell polyethylene foam with a durable foil facing suitable for operating temperatures up to 105oC. The 2m lengths have a slit along the entire length for easy installation and are easily cut with a sharp knife. The installation is completed by sealing joins with a reinforced foil tape (plain foil tape not recommended).
More infoFoil Faced Baron Rockwool Pipe
Foil Faced Rockwool Pipe Section is continuous through the wall/floor and extends both sides. Tested by the Thermal Insulation Contractors Association Australia and accredited by BRANZ (Report FP10422) in accordance with AS1530.4 –2014, AS4072 and the NCC building code requirements for FRL -/ 120 / 120 in both horizontal and vertical penetrations.
More infoExternal Clad
The External Clad system is a zero permeability, absolute vapour barrier for insulation cladding and jacketing applications, designed for insulation protection.
More infoTombo Rock Pipe
Tombo Rock (Rockwool) SPI (Sectional Pipe Insulation) comprises inorganic spun fibres made from natural rocks and minerals bonded by organic binder.
More infoExternal Clad Tape
Use this 3-ply adhesive-backed tape with the External Clad system. Offers zero permeability.
More infoGet in Touch
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