1300 262 812 Head Office: 76 Naxos Way, Keysborough, VIC 3173
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Plain Foil Facing (LD, MD and HD)

Our range of light, medium and heavy-duty facing foils are double-sided aluminium and feature different levels of product strength reflected in their duty classification.

Product description

  • The aluminium surface provides a high reflectivity and low emissivity surfaces.


Use plain foil facing as a vapour/moisture barrier in various HVAC applications.


Group 75780

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Group 75781

Building Codes

Up to date NCC R-Value specifications for Ductwork, Pipework and Vessels.

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How can we help?

Need a quote or have a question about your current or upcoming commercial insulation project? Please describe the type of project you’re working on, the type of product/brand and quantity you need and if you’d like a quote.