Baron Insulation reaches impressive safety record.

Creating a workplace culture where injury at work is a rarity takes
dedication, good habits, and leadership. And it’s not something
that happens overnight.
We’re proud to say that earlier this year Baron Insulation reached a seven-year milestone of zero Lost
Time Injury (LTI) and Medical Treatment Injury (MTI).
A Lost Time Injury (LTI) usually results in time lost from work. It could be as little as one day or losing
a shift off work, or months of rehabilitation.
A Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) is an injury that resulted in a certain level of treatment (not
first aid treatment).
Measuring the link between occupational safety and company culture
The Bradley Curve measures the link between a company’s occupational health and safety record and its culture.
Factors such as an individual’s attitude, the quality and effectiveness of the company’s leadership, and the corporate culture, are significant influences on the number and severity of workplace accidents.
With its long history of teamwork and a culture which values both individual and corporate responsibility for safety, Baron is now in the interdependent stage of the Bradley Curve model.
Markers of this stage of the model include a focus on self-responsibility, where each employee understands and is committed to reaching high occupational safety measures.
Increased safety measures strengthens workplace safety at Baron
In a changing workplace, maintaining a safety culture is a daily challenge. With the significant addition of foil manufacturing at Baron over the past year, the safety culture has certainly been put to the test.
However, the Baron team has stood strong in maintaining our safety culture and has implemented these important safety upgrades to keep our people safe:
• new handrails and bollards fitted around foil plant and equipment
• fitting a noise reducing silencer to the slitter chopper box
• installed important fall prevention measures, such as a rollover gate on the mezzanine floor, replacing chains with gates on the loading dock, installing a stair fall back guard, and relocating machine filtration making it accessible from the ground level.
“Everyone at Baron is committed to stopping work that’s unsafe, reporting and discussing hazards and raising any issue they’re concerned about. They know that the issues they raise will be taken seriously and resolved quickly,” says Baron Insulation Business Manager, Troy Humphreys.
“We understand that achieving real safety improvements is a continuous process. Knowing that all our employees and management team take personal responsibility for safety, means our safety culture will continue to go from strength to strength.”